All professionals at Kennebunk Dentist maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest trends in the medical field. Read on to learn more about our staff's experience and training.

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    Dr. Lisa Slaughter

    Dr. Lisa is a native of Maine. She received her undergraduate degree from St. Michael’s College in Vermont and her dental medicine degree from Tufts University. Dr. Lisa is experienced with patients of all ages and makes every effort to ensure you feel comfortable and at ease in her office. She makes it a priority to understand your goals and address your questions. When not in the office she enjoys outdoor activities and appreciates the Kennebunk area’s natural beauty and how important it is to the local residents to preserve land.

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    Registered Dental Hygienist

    Valancy is a graduate of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has worked in our practice for over 25 years. One of her favorite things is building strong relationships with her patients. She is thrilled to be providing care to several generations of families. Valancy loves to educate, motivate and encourage her patients to achieve a healthy mouth and as a result, a healthier body. As an active member of a local dental study club, she continues to advance her knowledge and often attends Canadian dental hygiene courses with her sister who is also a dental hygienist. Valancy and her husband own and manage two vacation rental properties. In her spare time, she can be found teaching group exercise and water fitness classes and puppy sitting her new grand-dog, Hattie.

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    Dental Assistant

    Sandi is a graduate of Worcester Vocational school. She has worked with Dr. Slaughter for over 4 years. Sandi loves helping Dr. Slaughter, making patients comfortable and their smiles healthy and beautiful. On her days off, she loves being with her family, cooking and knitting.

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